Egg Tempera on wood panel
Size 36 x 26 inches
Completed Winter of 2017
The old mill at Seneca Creek in Cambell county Virginia was home to my older brother and his family through most of the 70's 80's and Jock lived there up into the early 2000's when it was sold.
Jock and I spent many weekends gathering firewood, hanging out, letting our kids run around together when they were small. The old GMC pickup truck was in use until well into the 80's by first Jock who purchased it around 1970 and then passed it on to a younger brother Dan, who used it while rehabing several homes he's done over.
The mill is gone now. Sadly having finally fallen victim to repeated flooding, foundation damage and wood beetles. It partially fell down in 2016 and had to be demolished.
The original is in a private collection. Prints are available.