Current Available Art

All prints are done on high quality heavy archival quality stock,and printed with UV safe art quality inks. If you want to ensure the life of a print I would recommend putting any print under UV art glass. Each print is done, and framed to order.  So expect delivery to take at least 7-8 days.  Also I number and sign each print.  I doubt there will ever be more than a score or so of any of these works printed.  Prints are actually available for most of the egg tempera work you see on this site .
My Original Works are now being handled by Lindor Arts in Roanoke VA.  Please contact them for pricing and viewing information.
Shipping is estimated in the price. 

The Jefferson Rose
An original Egg Tempera.
Size 13 x 13 Inches
Framed in 1.5 " figured oak.

Original Scratchboard Art.  Hand carved on Ampersand Archival Scratchbord

Framing Option

Two knotted Goddesses Celtic Art
In embossed / reposed copper relief.  Hand patina finish and framed as shown in a hand morticed figured oak (quartersawn oak) frame.  Art size is 11 x 11.
One of a pair of pieces that look really nice together. (see below)
$500.  Framed as shown here and price includes shipping.

Ogma with three spiraling goddesses
Celtic based art in solid copper.  Hand patina and framed as shown with a hand made figured oak frame.
Looks great as a set with the art above.
$500.  Framed as shown here and price includes shipping.